Ep: 168; Energizing the Empath: Recharging Amidst Draining Circumstances


In this empowering episode of "Diary of an Empath," your host dives into the world of empathic living, offering valuable insights on how to effectively handle stress, particularly when it stems from global events or personal circumstances beyond our control. 

As empaths, we often absorb the emotions and energies of those around us, leaving us vulnerable to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. Join us as we explore practical strategies and techniques to not only cope with stress but also preserve our own energy and well-being.

Throughout the episode, our host shares personal experiences, highlighting the challenges empaths face and providing actionable tips to navigate daily life without feeling drained. From setting healthy boundaries to practicing self-care, you'll discover effective approaches to maintain balance and resilience.

Discover how to find solace and manage stress as an empath when faced with world events or family members falling ill. Our host shares tools to help you stay centered and grounded amidst chaotic situations, allowing you to lend support without sacrificing your own emotional health.

Tune in to this episode of "Diary of an Empath" to gain valuable insights, recharge your energy, and learn how to navigate the rollercoaster of emotions as a highly sensitive individual. Embrace the power of self-care and find renewed strength to face the world with compassion and resilience.



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Ep: 169: The Earth Has A Heartbeat & Our Heart Has A Brain; Dr. Rollin McCraty, Lead Researcher/HeartMath Institute


Ep: 167; The Final Chapter: What Death Teaches Us About Living; Julie McFadden, RN